Gintarė Girdzijauskienė

Lead Partner / Attorney

“The difference between winning and losing is in the details”.

Neringa Šalčiuvienė

Partner / Attorney

“I look at the human problem not only through the prism of the letter of the law, but I look for a unique key to solving it”.

Martynas Antanaitis

Associate Partner / Attorney

“Knowledge is power” (Francis Bacon). The knowledge and experience gained help us to provide professional legal assistance to our clients; therefore, development is a daily goal.

Snieguolė Antanaitienė


ˮAnd here’s the lesson: never give up… Never, never, never, never, never… Never give up on anything, big or small, important or petty – never give up, except on honour and good taste“. Winston Churchill

Nerijus Makauskas


“Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” (Theodore Roosevelt)

Karolis Stadalnykas


J.D. Salinger, in his novel The Catcher in the Rye, wrote, on behalf of the protagonist Holden Caulfield, “It’s a funny thing: you tell a man something he doesn’t understand, and he’ll do anything you ask him to do”.
I believe that this is the fate of someone who does not have a trusted adviser, especially in the legal field.

Povilas Slankauskas

Medical Law Specialist